The Trident Amateur Radio Club will be participating in Summer Field Day!
For information on what Field Day is go here – >
We will be on-site at Glenn Stephen’s property (WA4NMW) in Summerville the weekend of June 26-27. Event operating time is 2pm Saturday thru 2pm Sunday. Antenna and station setup will begin Saturday morning. We will start gathering about 9am.
Please see general ARRL Rules here ->
For those Class C or D stations that want to operate and give the club credit please see the following:
Temporary rule waiver: For Field Day 2021, an aggregate club score will also be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions). Ordinarily, club names are only published in the results for Class A and Class F entries, but the temporary rule waiver for 2021 allows participants from any Class to optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day. For example, if Podunk Hollow Radio Club members Becky, W1BXY, and Hiram, W1AW, both participate in 2021 Field Day -- Hiram from his Class D home station, and Becky from her Class C mobile station -- both can include the radio club’s name when reporting their individual results. The published results listing will include individual scores for Hiram and Becky, plus a combined score for all entries identified as Podunk Hollow Radio Club.
If you plan to do this you will use your personal call sign for logging and then when you submit your log to the ARRL you will indicate our club name as “Trident Amateur Radio Club”. This must match exactly so the club also gets credit. Please let us know if you plan on doing this.
Stay tuned for more details here! For more information please email us here – >