About Us
The Trident Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to helping newly licensed and experienced amateurs get active and participate in ham related activities. The club was formed in April of 1973. Since then the club’s mission is to get new and old hams on the air and stay radio active by having operating events like Summer and Winter Field Day, Special Event Stations, Parks On The Air (POTA) events, Operating Days, etc.
The Trident Amateur Radio Club is an official ARRL Affiliated Club. Click here to learn about the ARRL -> arrl.org
Join the ARRL and enjoy the many benefits of being a member! -> www.arrl.org/membership
Meet the Officers
President – Steve Anderjack – KO4AFL
Steve became interested in amateur (ham) radio as a teenager while getting his pilot’s license in high school. He didn’t pursue getting licensed as it wasn’t required at that time and didn’t look much more into it. In 2019 Steve was volunteering as a motorcycle marshall for LoVelo with his father and a few friends. They were not able to stay in contact due to the area the ride was in but the support vehicles were mostly operated by hams and maintained contact across the city. He asked one of the drivers what radios they were using and he was reintroduced to ham radio. Since then Steve has been introduced to Parks on The Air. He enjoys portable operations. He is a volunteer examiner for the ARRL, W4VEC, W5YI and GLAARG. Steve is also a session manager for GLAARG and Team Lead for ARRL specializing in online ham radio testing. He is also a volunteer area manager for Parks on The Air uploading logs from activators with a 4 in their call. As well as recently Steve was appointed as South Carolina Assistant section manager ARRL. He is also working on getting a YouTube channel going on Ham Radio projects and events. https://www.youtube.com/@ko4afl
Vice President – TW Kirkpatrick – KF4CQH
Treasurer – Jim Self – KW4PW
I am a retired Charleston County EMS Paramedic. I have been a Ham since 2016. I have worked with radios my entire career and I have been fascinated with the science of radio communication. Through TARC I am able to coach and provide material support to those coming up behind me as I did in the Boy Scouts as a young person. In America one can find leadership roles in everything aspect of our lives. If you have a question, contact me. I will be glad to help.
Secretary – Renata Sierzega – KQ4ASH
I am a licensed Technician as of 5/22/2023. As a retired AF nurse and Med Sq Commander and Red Cross Disaster Responder, communication in less-than-optimal environments has always been important. I left the “how to” to others but now, after a discussion with my neighbor and fellow Ham Emilie KE4VNW, Ham Radio is the focus of my communication strategy. I am always learning so I may not know the answer, but will find an Elmer to help. Looking forward to working with all of you.
Additional Board Members
Chris Benoit – KC4NW– Board Member At Large
I became a ham back in 1980 while a cadet at The Citadel. When I graduated, I went into
the Army and was assigned to the Signal Corps. During my 24 years, I was fortunate to
work with AM and FM radios, RTTY, tactical satellites, multiplexing radios, early packet
radio, and computers over radio. Also during that time, I was sent to work with
Magnavox to help develop new radio systems and was active in MARS and was able to
set up 2 MARS stations, one in Germany and one in Saudi Arabia.
Being a ham made those jobs so much more enjoyable and I met many great hams that
helped me along the way. Because of them (Elmers), I’ve always been an active member
in clubs and try to help other hams when I can. If you have any questions or need some
help, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I am here to serve.
Glenn Stephens – WA4NMW– Board Member At Large
Committee Chairs
Repeater Committee – Bryce Meyers – K4LXF
Membership Committee – Ron Davis – K4TCP
Program Manager – Jim Wallace – KO4PGH
Equipment Manager – Position open – Email us if interested. N4EE@tridenthams.org
QSL Manager – Jim Wasson – KO4MNB