ASSAULT ON OLD ISLAND Who knows why the island had never been activated? Location perhaps or reported dangers such as a snake infestation maybe, but regardless, John, (KK4JS) was…
ASSAULT ON OLD ISLAND Who knows why the island had never been activated? Location perhaps or reported dangers such as a snake infestation maybe, but regardless, John, (KK4JS) was…
A POTA DAY WITH TOM THE PILOT (W4ID) Now one would ordinarily expect that a retired airline pilot with considerable flying hours in both military and civilian commercial aircraft…
Yesterday, “da-Judge”, KX4MI, and I went out and attacked a five park POTA activation plan. By the time I returned to the QTH, the odometer read 205 miles. This…
FT-450d with box and everything that comes with it when new asking $600 Darrel McKeown KM4DRN
New in box never used Hy-gain Ham-IV and 50 ft Rotator cable $600.00 local Medium – Duty Rotator with Controller – Up to 15 Square Feet Wind Area –…
Astron Linear Power supply Used $50 Contact Connie Fletcher -> CONTINUOUS DUTY: 9 Amps ICS*: 12 Amps DIMENSIONS: 4½ x 8 x 9″ SHIPPING WEIGHT: 13 lbs FUSE: GMC 3A POWER TERMINALS: Banana AC…
The Yaesu SP-102 speaker features two selectable audio inputs, headphone output and dual audio filtration. Low Filter: Norm, 1, 2. High Filter: Norm, 1, 2, 3. $100 Contact Connie…
Yaesu FT-767GX Has both the 2m and 70cm add on modules $665 The Yaesu FT-767GX is a 100 watt HF transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters amateur bands plus it…
Congratulations to John Atkinson – He passed the Technician and General test in one session! Welcome new Ham – KO4PRY!
If anyone is interested in going to the Savannah swap meet I will be going down Saturday morning. 2021 Swap Meet – Coastal Amateur Radio Society